• Table of contents

    • [+]Preliminaries (3)
    • [+]Introduction (4)
    • [+]Latin America (13)
    • [—]Sub-Saharan Africa (9)
    • [+]Arab World (11)
    • [+]Russia (11)
    • [+]India (11)
    • [+]China (9)
    • [+]Conclusions (6)
    • [+]Appendix (1)

Sub-Saharan Africa

Arab World

Possible trends

In spite of the enormous difficulties that exist with regard to infrastructure and human resources, digital publishing in Africa shows interesting potential. Based on the cases studied we can outline a number of future trends:

  1. The mobile phone network will continue to be fertile terrain for new experiments in book publishing or promotion, given that Internet penetration will certainly take many years to reach the levels of other regions; in the field of cell phones we will probably witness the exploration of business models that do not even exist in the US or Europe.
  2. Print on demand will have a greater presence.
  3. The training of traditional publishers will be a decisive factor that might accelerate change. The key will lie in the ability of African professionals to exploit the potential of digital technology without falling into formulas for “implanting” technologies inconsistent with the local reality which – like a deus ex machina , not only do not help but may be a considerable waste of time and resources.
Arab World

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